Conformer® Disc Mailer
- 9 5/8" x 7 3/8" Conformer® disc mailer. Peel and seal adhesive strip on flap. Pull nylon tear to open.
Unique design expands to hold one regular or two slimline plastic disc cases.
- 250
- Printed, foil stamped or embossed.
- Choice of overall gloss, satin or matte aqueous. Additional charge for: Lamination, UV, Spot and Soft Touch.
- Follow art guidelines and submit art on template.
- Base stocks included in price. Additional charge for other stock
groups. See color chart. Custom stocks are not a problem.
- 10-15 working days, based on quantity. Tell us what you need.
- PDF or color digital available upon request.
- Ships with flap extended. Packaged up to 300 per box. 15 lbs. per box.
- CONFORMER® is a registered trademark of Conformer® Products, Inc.
A U.S. patent number will automatically be added to this product.